President Throws ‘Tan-trump’ by Threatening to Shut Down Government Over Vanity Wall
SOUTHERN BORDER -- Today, during a live televised meeting with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, President Trump not only threatened to shut down the government, but also proclaimed he was “proud” to do it, if he is not given funding for his harmful, deadly and wasteful wall.
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JOINT STATEMENT: Trump Threatens to Hold Government Hostage to Get His Wall
WASHINGTON - The Indivisible Project, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), the Southern Border Communities Coalition and United We Dream released the following statement:
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Environmental and Civil Rights Groups Sue Trump for Illegal Use of Expired Waivers to Build Wall
MISSION, TX-- On Friday, the Sierra Club and the Southern Border Communities Coalition (SBCC) filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration to challenge its use of unlawful waivers to expedite border wall construction in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas.
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Trump Manufactures Chaos at Border to Justify Wall
SAN DIEGO, CA -- Yesterday, on one of the busiest travel weekends of the year, the Trump administration closed the San Ysidro Port of Entry as border agents fired tear gas and rubber bullets at men, women and children seeking asylum at the busiest border crossing in the world.
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More than 200 Organizations Call on Congressional Leadership to Reject Funding Increases for Immigration Enforcement During Lame Duck, Cut Funding in 2019
Signers call on Congress to reject any funding deal that will allow a corrupted and abusive Department of Homeland Security to further militarize the border and harm immigrant communities.
WASHINGTON, DC -- More than 200 non-governmental and advocacy organizations sent a letter to congressional leadership today in advance of the December 7th expiration of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) budget, calling for bold leadership in support of immigrant communities already suffering under the Trump administration’s bloated immigration enforcement apparatus.
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Experts Discuss Post-Election Border Militarization and Wall Funding Fight in Congress
SOUTHERN BORDER -- On a press call today, experts from the four southern border states discussed the post-midterm election effects on the upcoming funding fight for Trump’s plan to further militarize border communities with more border wall, border agents, active-duty troops, and immigration detention beds. Congress has until Dec. 7 to fund the Department of Homeland Security for Fiscal Year 2019, and House Speaker Paul Ryan has promised to have a “fight” about it that could lead to a partial government shutdown. In addition, and surprisingly, the U.S. Department of Defense has been willing to reallocate funds to the construction of border walls and the deployment of active-duty troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.
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Trump’s Endgame: Stoke Fear of Immigrants To Fund Vanity Wall
SOUTHERN BORDER -- Today, President Trump resorted to a familiar theme of demonizing families and children seeking safety, threatening to hold them indefinitely in detention, and potentially deploying more troops to southern border communities than are stationed in 160 countries combined.
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Wanting to Score Points with His Base, Trump Targets Refugees and Children
Trump wants to win on November 6th by going after poor immigrants striving for a better life.
Washington, DC – Today, news broke that Defense Secretary Mattis is expected to sign a directive that would dispatch 800 or more military troops to the border. *UPDATE 10/29/18: The Pentagon is deploying 5200 troops to the border.
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SBCC Statement on ICE and CBP Body-Worn Camera Bill Introduced in Congress
SOUTHERN BORDER -- Today, border Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), and Tom Udall (D-NM) introduced legislation in the Senate which would require the use of body-worn cameras by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents. Rep. Filemon Vela (D-TX) also plans to introduce similar legislation in the House of Representatives.
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SBCC Statement on Arrest of Border Patrol Supervisor for 4 murders in Texas
SOUTHERN BORDER -- In the second multiple-murder case committed by a Border Patrol agent this year, a U.S. Border Patrol supervisory agent has confessed to killing four women and assaulting a fifth in Webb County, Texas.
Juan David Ortiz, a 10-year veteran of the force, is being held on a $2.5 million bail. Ortiz is the second agent in the Laredo area to be arrested on murder charges this year. This spring, agent Ronald Anthony Burgos-Aviles was charged with killing a woman and her one-year-old child. In May, a Border Patrol agent also shot and killed 20-year-old Claudia Patricia Gómez González in Rio Bravo, Texas.
The Border Patrol’s pattern of death and abuse across the southern border and lack of accountability, oversight and transparency continues to jeopardize the trust and safety of border communities.
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