Border Dreamers React to News of DACA Delay
SOUTHERN BORDER -- Border Dreamers reacted with shock and dismay at today’s news that President Trump and Senate Republicans plan to exclude legislation that protects young immigrants with DACA during a critical end-of-year spending bill. This is a cruel delay tactic that further puts Dreamers across the nation at risk of deportation, as many of them are falling out of status now.
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SBCC Statement on Border Patrol’s Pattern of Targeting Children and Other Vulnerable People
SOUTHERN BORDER REGION -- Last week, border agents in Corpus Christi, Texas shocked the nation when they stopped an ambulance transporting Rosa Maria Hernandez, a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy at a Border Patrol checkpoint. The agents then followed the child and her medical service providers to a hospital where she was to undergo emergency bladder surgery. After the procedure, the agents placed her in deportation proceedings.
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Border Dreamer Delegation Heads to Washington DC To Ask for Clean, Bipartisan Dream Act
Southern Border Region/ Washington D.C. - Border Dreamers and advocates are organizing against Congress' attempts to use them as bargaining chips. Today, Border Dreamers will hold a telephonic news conference to announce The Real Dream campaign, which includes a delegation of Border Dreamers traveling to Washington D.C. to urge members of Congress to pass a clean and bipartisan Dream Act without further militarizing border communities by the end of the year.
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Trump's 'Immigration Principles' Threatens Dreamers, Further Militarizes Border
Southern Border Region -- The Trump administration's Immigration Principles and Policies are not only immoral and outrageous, they are an affront to the nation's most basic values of equality and justice. The extreme measures proposed by the White House threaten the future of Dreamers -- 1 out 5 of which live in border communities -- and further militarizes the border region, threatening the safety of millions of people who call the borderlands home.
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New Poll Shows Strong Support for a Dream Act Without More Border Militarization
Poll results unveiled as deadline to renew DACA expires on Oct. 5
San Diego, CA - A new poll shows 82% of voters favor allowing young undocumented immigrants, often referred to as Dreamers, to earn permanent legal status in the United States, and a full two-thirds agree that Congress should protect Dreamers first before considering more border enforcement.
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DACA Deal Especially Bad for Dreamers in Border Region
Southern Border Region -- President Trump and Democratic leaders in Congress reached a tentative agreement to protect Dreamers by further militarizing the border region and potentially undermining the safety of the very Dreamers they are trying to protect.
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CBP Polygraph Waiver in Senate Would Undermine Public Trust in Law Enforcement
Southern Border Region -- The U.S. Senate introduced a polygraph waiver measure that would water down hiring standards for border agents and undermine public trust in law enforcement, as well as put communities at risk. The move comes as the Trump administration looks for ways to cut corners to build a massive deportation force, and while border apprehensions remain at 17-year lows.
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SBCC Condemns Using of Dreamers as Bargaining Chips for Wall, More Agents
SOUTHERN BORDER -- The Trump administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program not only promises to uproot the lives of close to 800,000 contributing members of society, it also makes them vulnerable to be used as bargaining chips to build a wall and hire more border agents.
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CBP Announces Border Wall Prototypes
Southern Border Region - Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) delivered another blow to the already devastated border region. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Agency has scheduled a press conference to announce the companies that will build prototypes of the border wall.
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Inspector General at DHS Questions Need to Hire More Agents
Says agency could not provide data to justify 15,000 more border agents
Southern Border Region - A recent report released by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Inspector General supports what the Southern Border Communities Coalition and other border advocates have been saying: there is no justification for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to hire additional Border Patrol agents.
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