

Over 30 Cities and Counties in the four Southern Border States Opposed to Wall

More than 30 cities and counties in the four southern border states have passed resolutions against a border wall including: Continue reading

VIDEO: Trump wants to waive 20+ laws to build his wall

Trump’s wall would cut through the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge as well as other protected land including indigenous land, communities, and private properties. But Trump wants to waive over 20 laws that are set in place to protect these lands to start building a border wall. We can’t let him erase our people, our communities, our sacred land, and our wildlife. Continue reading

Q&A: Dreamer Protections and the Border Wall

As negotiations continue to protect Dreamers, members of Congress such as Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Luis Gutierrez have recklessly opened the door to more border enforcement, specifically to more walls that hurt communities, commerce and wildlife. Continue reading

Open Letter to President Trump: Be a Dream Maker, Not a Dream Breaker

Mr. President, the Dreamer issue is simple. It's not about walls. It’s about people. And whether you care enough to protect them. Dreamers are people who have been there for us as first responders, teachers, nurses, neighbors, friends, and more. Now you and we need to be there for them. Continue reading

ACTION ALERT: We still have a chance to pass the Dream Act!

Today the House Rules Committee blocked the DREAM Act from getting a vote in Congress. Continue reading

3 Ways You Can Support Dreamers Now

  There are only a few days left for Congress to pass a legislative solution to protect Dreamers from deportation. Thousands are rallying and taking action -- and you can too. We’ve compiled a list of actions so you can also join and help out. Continue reading

Border Patrol: Why The Green Line of Trump's Deportation Force is Bad for Dreamers and the Borderlands [Infographic]

Hiring more unaccountable agents is dangerous, misguided, and unjustified. Some in Congress want to leverage the safety of Dreamers, in exchange for militarizing our communities by hiring more potentially abusive and corrupt Border Patrol agents while further militarizing the southern border. Continue reading

Guiding Principles for Potential Trade-Off of Dreamer Protections for More Border Militarization

As Congress considers legislation that trades more border militarization for Dreamer protections, SBCC urges policymakers to consider the guiding principles below to prevent throwing good money after bad in any legislative negotiation. Continue reading

CATO Institute Releases New Findings on Border Patrol Discipline Problems

Last week, the CATO Institute released a new research paper highlighting the high rate of discipline and misconduct terminations for Border Patrol agents. It focused on 2006 to 2016 termination rates across all federal law enforcement agencies, and found that the termination rate of Border Patrol agents was 2.2 times greater than the rate for all other federal law enforcement officers. Continue reading

Dream Act and Border Enforcement: Perspectives of DACA recipients from the border region

Tuesday, October 24 at 10am Senate Visitor Center (SVC) Room 214 To attend, please RSVP here Since its inception, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has empowered nearly 800,000 young people to contribute to our nation and ensured that they and their families can achieve their potential.  President Trump’s choice to end DACA has created a crisis for these hundreds of thousands of Americans-in-all-but- paperwork - and time is running out for Congress to fix the Trump/Sessions announcement that DACA recipients should prepare to self-deport. Continue reading

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