Mr. President, the Dreamer issue is simple. It's not about walls. It’s about people. And whether you care enough to protect them. Dreamers are people who have been there for us as first responders, teachers, nurses, neighbors, friends, and more. Now you and we need to be there for them.
You, Mr. President, chose to put Dreamers in jeopardy. To take away their ability to work, provide for their families, contribute taxes, keep a license, go to college, access healthcare. Since Sep 5, about 122 Dreamers have lost their protection every single day. That’s about 15,000 Dreamers to date.
You, Mr. President, left the youngest and most vulnerable Dreamers unprotected. Those coming of age to apply for DACA cannot apply because you decided to be a #DreamBreaker not a #DreamMaker.
You gave Congress until March 5 to protect Dreamers, but Dreamers are in danger now: 15,000 and counting, in danger of losing jobs, insurance, licenses, college, shelter, and safety.
You, Mr. President, have not proposed a solution. Instead, you hold Dreamers hostage. Your ransom? A wall, among other things.
You forgot, this is about people and whether you will protect them. Time has run out. It ran out on September 5. No more excuses. No more delays. The question is, do you care enough about Dreamers to protect them?
The bipartisan Dream Act is ready for a vote in the House and Senate. Mr. President, you can call for the vote now. The American people overwhelmingly support protections for Dreamers.
We know this is about people, not walls. Do you?