The New Border Vision Coalition
People from across the country are supporting a New Border Vision. Join the fight by signing on as an individual supporter, or adding your organization to our coalition.
JOIN THE NEW BORDER VISION COALITIONA New Border Vision is a guide to change the way we think about borders. Join us in embracing a New Border Vision by signing on as an individual supporter, and add your organization to our coalition by clicking below. |
SBCC would like to thank the following for contributing
their perspectives in developing A New Border Vision:
Global perspective:
Global Justice Clinic, New York University Law School
Inter American Commission for Human Rights, Office of the Rapporteur on the Rights of Migrants
United Nations Former Vice Chair on the Committee on Migrant Workers
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Regional Office for the USA and the Caribbean
United Nations Committee on Migrant Workers
University of California Berkeley’s International Human Rights Law Clinic
National perspective:
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Church World Service
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Washington Office on Latin America
Southern border perspective:
Alliance San Diego (CA)
American Friends Service Committee - US-Mexico Border Program (CA)
California Immigrant Policy Center (CA)
San Diego immigrant Rights Consortium (CA)
SEIU United Service Workers West (CA)
Colibrí Center (AZ)
Frontera de Cristo (AZ)
Good Shepherd United Church of Christ (AZ)
ACLU New Mexico (NM)
New Mexico Comunidades en Acción y de Fe (NM)
ACLU Border Rights Center (TX)
La Unión Del Pueblo Entero (TX)
Rio Grande Valley Equal Voice Network (TX)
South Texas Human Rights Center (TX)
Northern border perspective:
New York Immigration Coalition
Northern Borders Coalition