About Us
Formed in March 2011, the Southern Border Communities Coalition brings together 60 organizations from San Diego, CA to Brownsville, TX.
As the government continues to pour more and more resources into the U.S. Border Patrol without providing appropriate accountability and oversight, border communities have borne the brunt of these policies, which have adversely impacted businesses, our residents’ human rights, the environment and international relations.
Southern Border organizations and community leaders have come together to:
- Ensure that border enforcement policies and practices are accountable and fair, respect human dignity and human rights, and prevent the loss of life in the region.
- Promote policies and solutions that improve the quality of life in border communities.
- Advance a positive image of the border region.
- Support rational and humane immigration reform policies affecting the border region.
In 2012 Southern Border Communities Coalition is committed to Bring Justice Home! Join us and demand that the U.S. Border Patrol respects human life.