3 Ways You Can Support Dreamers Now



There are only a few days left for Congress to pass a legislative solution to protect Dreamers from deportation. Thousands are rallying and taking action -- and you can too. We’ve compiled a list of actions so you can also join and help out.

1. Make a call

  • Border script. The Southern Border Communities Coalition has a sample script and phone number so you can call members of Congress to say that Dreamers are not to be used as bargaining chips. To further militarize the border region in exchange for a Dream Act would devastate the very families of the young immigrants we are trying to protect.

  • Breaking the thermometer. We Are Here to Stay has compiled individual scripts to call on behalf of the 12,000+ Dreamers who have already lost their status. You will find a thermometer at the bottom of their page with the number of calls already made to congress through their site.

  • Swing votes. This online Dream Act Tool Kit can connect you to key members of Congress who are swing votes needed in order to pass a Dream Act with no compromises and provide Dreamers with a pathway to legal status and citizenship.

2. Share a story

Use the hashtag #DreamActNow on twitter or instagram to share your stories, pictures and videos in support of Dreamers, and it could end up on the giant “DreamActTron” screen that faces Capitol Hill so that congress can see.

3. Join the Action

United We Dream has had a steady presence in Washington D.C. as the deadline for a Dream Act has been closing in. They have organized sit-in's in the offices of congress members in order to urge congress to publicly support and pass a Dream Act. If you would like to join their action, they have a sign up sheet right here.

These last days are crucial in bringing relief to Dreamers. Join us in urging congress to pass a Dream Act that does not further militarize our border communities.


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Southern Border Communities Coalition is a program of Alliance San Diego.


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